Installing 4G (model 93-96) carpet in a 5G (97 -) Mitsubishi Mirage Coupe
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It would ba a shame to strip the entire car body to install Dynamat only to put the same 10-year old carpet back over it. The original carpet is
full of tiny splinters and dirt particles that were driven deeply in the carpet's loops by the floor mat spikes that even the suckiest vacuum cleaner can't take them off.
This writeup describes how to install a "generic" 4G carpet in a 5G DE Mirage with minimal cutting and no gluing.
Although I'm 100% satisfied with the results, the fit of this carpet matched about 85-90% of the OEM fit, so "results will vary."
Starting Setup
As you can see, the old carpet has lived its life.

The rear:

Carpet Options
I certainly wanted an OEM replacement. The JNZTuning website quoted me about $320 shipped for an OEM carpet but when it got to ordering it, it turned
out that the item was discontinued by Mitsubishi.

Adjusting the carpet was somewhat frustrating, between doing it at the upholsterer and saving the money by doing it myself I probably just about broke even.
I asked around the upholstery shops in my area and the cheapest quote I got was for about $350 to tailor a replacement carpet. No one in the USA makes molded aftermarket carpets for 5G; I found one only in Australia but that was for cars with right-side steering wheel.
There are, as of this writing, lots of aftermarket options for 4G editions. Although many retailers sell them, they all seem to be made by the same company - ACC (Auto Custom Carpets). I am certain these are "generic" and probably fit other cars too.
Differences between the 4G and 5G chassis
I measured the dimensions of the cavities of the floor of my car and posted them on a message board asking 4G owners for a comparison.
It turned out the dimensions were close, but at installation time they had these discrepancies:
- The 5G is shorter. Since I didn't want to cut and glue, some kinks and bulges remain, but they are small.
- The 5G has shallower divider girth. This generated extra material that needed to be carefully concealed under the center console and front seats.
- In general, there's excess coverage from this carpet in a 5G installation which can be fixed with some accurate cutting and glueing.

Adjusting the carpet was somewhat frustrating, between doing it at the upholsterer and saving the money by doing it myself I probably just about broke even.
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To Step 2 - Removing the Seats